CCNY Conference Presentation Archive

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May 29-31, 2024
42nd Annual Conference: Charting Our Course
Sponsored by SUNY Oswego

CLICK HERE FOR Complete 2024 Conference Schedule

Acing Affirmative Care With Asexual Clients
L. Chandler Batchelor

The Nature Connection: How Ecotherapy, Nature-Based Interventions, and Connection to Nature Can Impact College Mental Health
Cory Brosch

For New or Experienced Supervisors…because I know you want to learn about Developmental Models of Clinical Supervision! Now you Can!
Jaime Castillo & Cailley Wayman

It’s a Compass, Not a Map: Ethical Decision-Making for Clinical Boundary Challenges
John P “Jack” Mack

The Importance of Clinical Supervision: Clinical Growth, Competencies, Standards and Laws
Sarah F. Spiegelhoff

Exploring the Challenges and Cultural Differences Faced by East Asian International Students in the U.S.
Xihe (Aimee) Tian & Kahyen (Kay) Shin

The Broadening of Mental Health: The next paradigm shift in higher education
David Walden

June 7-9, 2023
41st Annual Conference :: Sponsored by University at Buffalo

CLICK HERE FOR Complete 2023 Conference Schedule

“Out of Office”: Impact of Adventure-Based Counseling on Therapist Well-Being
Aaron M. Klein, Cara J. Capparelli

Individual Presentations:

“Out of Office”: Impact of Adventure-Based Counseling on Therapist Well-Being
Aaron M. Klein, Cara J. Capparelli

Incorporating Mindfulness & Self-Compassion in Therapy
Beth Cholette

Creating an ADHD Support Team
Niki Keating, Ellen Larson, Molly Mendolia

Where do we go from here? Navigating the current landscape of collegiate mental health
David Walden, Lynn Braun

Improving Access to Clinical Services: Transitioning to a Same-Day Needs Assessment Model
Andrea Greenwood, Amanda Tyson-Ryba

From Crisis to Care: Unpacking and reshaping the dominant narrative about college mental health
David Walden, Mark Rice

Cultivating Community Care through a Relational Perspective:Workplace Love Languages
Amani Johnson, Stephanie Chong

Fatphobia & Therapy
Neha M. Tamhane

Imposter Syndrome vs. Race-Related Stress: How Can We Help Students Of Color On PWI Campuses?
Monique L. Lewis, Charm Little-Ray

Managing High-Risk Symptoms on Campus: Using Scope of Care and Relationships across Campus to Navigate Troubling Territory
Dawn LaFrance, Monique Lewis, Charm Little-Ray

“Our Healing Breath” and other virtual drop-in groups: Responding to identity-based critical incidents during the double pandemic
Ronke Lattimore Tapp, Brigid Cahill

Letting Go and Breaking Through Aligning parallel movements in college counseling and health promotion
Katelyn Cowen, David Walden

Show Me The Money: Using Data-Driven Strategies To Advocate For Counseling Center Resources 
Sharon Mitchell, Del Rey Honeycutt

The Consortium on Trauma, Illness & Grief in Schools (TIG)
London E. Wright, Heather Frederick, Darlene Schmitt

A treatment model? Really?! Establishing and maintaining a treatment focused clinical services model that retains access
David Walden

Restoring Thyself and Others with Creative Expression and Mindful Self-Compassion
Alison Smith, Stephanie Chong

June 8, 2021
39th Annual Conference :: Virtual, Sponsored by SUNY Oswego and Hamilton College

CLICK HERE FOR Complete 2021 Conference Schedule

Individual Presentations:

Moving from Competence to Responsiveness: Broaching Conversations around Race, Power, & Privilege
»PowerPoint slides
Erin Cannella, Amani Johnson

A Model and Method for Implementing an Embedded Therapy Program
»PowerPoint slides
Jaime H. Castillo

The “Black Tax”: The toll of daily racism on the mental health of black college students
»PowerPoint slides
Sharon Mitchell, Sharon Kirkland-Gordon, Amani Johnson & Juanita Green

Unicorns at the Counseling Center: Retention, Resourcefulness, and Realness of Black Therapists at College Counseling Centers
»PowerPoint slides
Cara Plasencia, Tekhara Watson, Linzy Andre

College Counseling in the New Millennium: The Role of Data-Driven Cultural Competence
»PowerPoint slides
Sally Robles, Yehudis Keller, Jonathan Metevier

June 5-7, 2019
37th Annual Conference :: Skidmore College

Presentation Archive


Complete 2019 Conference Schedule

June 6-8, 2018
36th Annual Conference :: The College at Brockport, SUNY

Click here for complete 2018 Conference Schedule

Pre-Conference Presentations:

Session 1:
Solution-Focused Approaches

»PowerPoint slides
»Film Clip 2: Questions Handout 
»General Solution Focused Question Sequence
Christine Sweeney

Session 2:
Attachment Goes to College: Basic Needs and College Counseling
»PowerPoint slides
»ACE Score Calculator
»Attachment Questionnaire
»Case Worksheet
»The Effect of Trauma on the Brain
David W. Eckert

Keynote Presentation:

Cultivating Staff and Lessons Learned: Reflections on 30 Years in College Counseling

»PowerPoint slides
Mark D. Thompson

Holistic Coaching: When Your ‘Game-Face’ Is Not Enough
»PowerPoint slides
Christian Beck & Najla Hrustanović

The Evolution of a Counseling Center:  From Traditional to Triage
»PowerPoint slides
Beth Cholette & Madeline Velázquez

Irest® Meditation on the College Campus
»PowerPoint slides
Sheila Figliotti

DBT: Not Just For Our Clients
»PowerPoint slides
»Words for Emotions handout
»Franklin Deep-Breathing Activity
Alison Franklin

Mental Health First Aid: Coming to a Campus Near You: How to Build a Mental Health Training Program, Practical Applications, and the Importance of Leveraging Community Partnerships
»PowerPoint slides
Lisa French, Kim Cruell-Munn, Heather Cruz, Cheri Alvarez

Coming Out in College: How Counselors Can Support LGBTQ Identity Development and Self-Acceptance
»PowerPoint slides
Emma Hager & Charlene J. Vetter

SUNY Oswego Counseling Services Center CONNECT PROGRAM
»PowerPoint slides
Vince Markowsky & Patrick Devendorf

Balancing Act: Strategies for Working with Athletic Departments and Student-Athletes
»PowerPoint slides
Joe Monserrat & Joyce Dewitt-Parker

June 7-9, 2017
35th Annual Conference :: Buffalo State College

No documents

June 8-10 2016
34th Annual Conference :: Hobart and William Smith Colleges

Pre-Conference: Campus Climate, Social Justice, and Counseling Centers
»Breakout Notes
»Counseling Center handout
Cory Wallack, Dr. Jeffrey Ng, Juanita K Martin
Constructing an Equitable Exchange: Social Justice & Diversity in Counseling Groups
»PowerPoint slides
John A. Asuncion

How to Fall in Love with Session Limits & Do Transformative Short-Term Work
»PowerPoint slides
Michael Alcée

June 4 -5, 2015
33rd Annual Conference :: Le Moyne College and Syracuse University

Alcohol and Drug Violations: Current Trends with the Assessment Process
»PowerPoint slides
Michael Siembor, Patrick Monette, Angelica Dellapenna

BeWise Peer Educators:   From Concept to Implementation
»PowerPoint slides
Edward Millet & Beth Salatti

Coping with Family Trauma
»PowerPoint slides
Jack Mack

Experiments in Happiness
»PowerPoint slides
Mark Rice, Melissa Fallon- Korb, David Walden & Deb Harper

Helping the Help-Rejecting Student
»PowerPoint slides: Part 1
»PowerPoint slides: Part 2
Shelly Lear, Mark Rice, Darlene Schmitt, Camille Simonetti

Professional Needs of College Counselors
»PowerPoint slides

Sharon Mitchell & Liz Snider

Sexual Assault:  Increasing Program Relevance and Efficacy on College Campuses
»PowerPoint slides
Maria Randazzo & Michelle Scott

The Animals are Coming!
»PowerPoint slides
»Additional Resources
»Assistance Animal Agreement
»Disabilities & Housing
»Fair Housing Information
»Sample letter
Julie Hawkins

Using Imagination, Hypnosis & Metaphor to Increase Resilience
»PowerPoint slides
Shelly Lear & Mary Wake

LGBTQ Intimate Partner Violence
»PowerPoint slides
Charlene Vetter & Andrew Wurl

June 5 -7, 2013
31st Annual Conference :: Colgate University

Keynote ~ See You Around Campus: Why People Help, Why They Don’t and What to Do About It
»PowerPoint slides
Carrie Keating

I Didn’t Know You Could Do That! Wait, How Do You Do That?: Ways Titanium Can Make Your Life Easier
»PowerPoint slides
»Titanium User Manual for Client Management
Shelly Lear

Rape Prevention Eduction: Re-Thinking Our Strategies
»PowerPoint slides
»Re-Think Campaign website
Rebecca Harrington

Sensorimotor Therapy
John Bailey

Utilizing an Eating Disorder Treatment Team Approach with College Students
»PowerPoint slides
»Counselors As Mental Health Consultants
»Accessing ED Treatment Team
»Eating Disorders Resources
»ED Treatment Team Release
»Level of Care Chart
»Levels of Care for Clients with Eating Disorders
»When to Use ED Team
Sharon L. Mitchell, Althea Maduramente & Jessalyn Klein

Happiness at Work

Deb Harper, Lourdes Brache-Tabar

Inside Out: Facilitating a Discussion Group for LGBTQ Students
»PowerPoint slides
Charlene J. Vetter

(Un)Motivated for Change: Using Motivational Interviewing in Group Therapy
»PowerPoint slides
Amanda Tyson-Ryba & Michelle Olandese

NY SAFE Act: What Does it Mean for Our Practice?
»PowerPoint slides
Steve Byrne, Melissa Fallon, Bob Kazin & Joan McCool

Working with victims of Biased Acts
»PowerPoint slides
Melissa Fallon, Marta Guzmán, Kimberli Andridge, Jeanne Keahon, Brandon Roman & Shawn Bubany

Protected Communication For Mental Health Workers
»Presentation and handouts
Michael Herzbrun

June 1-3, 2011
29th Annual Conference :: Ithaca College

Keynote: Substance Use and Mental Health on College Campuses: Implications for Counseling and Prevention
»PowerPoint slides
Jason R. Kilmer

Discussing Substance Use in the Counseling Center Setting: Applying Motivational Interviewing Strategies
»PowerPoint slides
Jason R. Kilmer

Anxiety Toolbox
»PowerPoint slides
»Coping with panic attacks
Melissa Fallon, Jeanne Keahon, Kerry Wagner, Amy Clarvoe

Dialectical Behavior Therapy for a College Population
»PowerPoint slides
Stephen Gadischkie, Nance Roy & Erin Engle

Doing More With Less: Evolving Evaluation and Intervention Protocols
»PowerPoint slides
Beth Cholette & Melinda DuBois

Pet Loss and College Students
»PowerPoint slides
Jessica Terwilliger

Wellness & Well-being
»PowerPoint slides
Sarah F. Spiegelhoff

What Goes On In The Disability Services Office?
»PowerPoint slides
Kateri Teresa Henkel

Why the Arts in College Counseling Psychotherapy?
»PowerPoint slides
Lourdes Brache-Tabar

June 9th – 11th, 2010
28th Annual Conference :: SUNY College at Oneonta

A time to mourn: Exploring the mystery
»PowerPoint slides
»Presentation notes
Michael Herzbrun

Campus Radio
»PowerPoint slides
Bernadette Peters

Conflict Resolution
»PowerPoint slides
»Conflict Resolution Outline & Worksheet
»Conflict Resolution Small Group Scenarios & Discussion
Meghann Wraight-Steinmetz

Effective Group Programs
»PowerPoint slides
Jeff Van Lone

Gratitude: Insights from the Science of Well-Being
»Part I
»Part I Second Half
»Part II
Robert Emmons

Learning To Slow Down
»Presentation materials
Mike Cammarata

Let’s Talk
»PowerPoint slides
Carrie Cragun

Meeting the Needs of Student: Veterans with Traumatic Brain Injury
»PowerPoint slides
Jody Ference

Music in therapy
»PowerPoint slides
»Music in therapy handout
Steve Byrne, Emma Wood, Melissa Fallon

Relationship Violence
»PowerPoint slides
Dupe Akin-Deko & Meredith Beck-Joslyn

Yes Means Yes: A Collaborative Outreach Affirming Positive Relationships
»PowerPoint slides
»Yes Means Yes Series Schedule
Dawn LaFrance

June 9th – 11th, 2009
27th Annual Conference :: Hamilton College

Responding to the Changing Landscape
of College Mental Health with Comprehensive Crisis Intervention
and Health Promotion Strategies
»PowerPoint slides
Cory Wallack

June 8th – 10th, 2005
23rd Annual Conference :: SUNY Oswego

Counseling Center Websites: Does your net work?
Steve Sprinkle, Melissa Fallon, David Gilles-Thomas

June 13th – 15th, 2001
19th Annual Conference :: Canisius College

Computerization of Scheduling and Client Data Management at Two College Counseling Centers
(Evaluation of Planning/Implementation of Software)
Elizabeth McGough, David Gilles-Thomas & Amy Reynolds

Website Administrator: David L. Gilles-Thomas, PhD :: Email :: Web
Updated: June 6, 2024