

This is an email-based network for professionals working at university and college counseling centers in New York. This listserv’s purpose is to provide a forum for counseling center staff members to come together and discuss a wide range of topics.

Typical Topics: There is no preset agenda for discussion — users are free to raise any and all issues. Some typical areas of interest include: clinical issues, training, politics, administration, funding, managed care, announcements, support, encouragement, and letting off steam.

Networking: An excellent way of meeting and staying in touch with colleagues from around the state.

How it Works: A listserv is an electronic equivalent of a bulletin board: users post messages via email to the virtual bulletin board, other people read those messages, and, if they so desire, post their own messages in reply. Many topics of discussion can occur simultaneously.  All you do is send the messages you want to post to a single email address. The listserv then takes over and forwards a copy of your message to all the other subscribers to the listserv. The entire process is very simple, and full instructions will be sent to you upon subscription.

To Subscribe:

Send email to with the following as the text of your message:

sub CCUNY-L YourFirstName YourLastName

Your email should contain just the above text. Make sure to delete your signature lines or any other text!

Instructions will then be emailed to you on how to confirm your subscription. 

You can also browse the CCNY listserv archives.


CCNYDIRECTORS is an email-based listserv network for directors (and associates) of university and college counseling centers in New York.

To Subscribe:

Send email to with the following as the text of your message:

sub CCNYDIRECTORS-LIST YourFirstName YourLastName

Your email should contain just the above text. Make sure to delete your signature lines or any other text!

Instructions will then be emailed to you on how to confirm your subscription.

Additional Information

Sending and Receiving Postings, Unsubscribing, Changing your email address, and more FAQs:

For More Information:
Contact David L. Gilles-Thomas, Ph.D. via email
or by phone at 716-645-2720

Website Administrator: David L. Gilles-Thomas, PhD :: Email :: Web
Updated: March 12, 2021