Call For Programs

Conference Costs & Registration

Directions, Maps, & Lodging

Pre-Conference and Keynote Speakers

Preliminary Schedule

In charting our course to the future,
we are mindful of our path from the past.
Brad Henry

Welcome colleagues,

We are excited to welcome CCNY back to Oswego on May 29th. Oswego is a small town along the lake, that offers a rich history as a port town with beautiful sunsets.  If it’s your thing we have a nationally known speedway and boast a terrific annual Harborfest in July.

Charting our course for the future requires that we look back and reflect on both challenges and growth and to examine what our experiences bring to bear on our new goals for future success. In addition, we look forward to considering what might be. We are not static in our fields, educational environs, communities, or national landscapes.  Once we reflect we must move forward with intention for our professions, students, and campus communities.

It is a pleasure to welcome Brett Scofield and his team from CCMH to present the latest national findings in college mental health trends, the impacts of bias in mental health and student success, and how our campus culture impacts student success or stagnation.  The team will also share important findings on the specific impacts of discrimination and race-based stress on mental health. Focus on practice-based strategies addressing this will be presented.  If you have not been a member of CCMH, we encourage you to participate in groundbreaking research that impacts our colleges and universities.

Tania Israel is our Keynote speaker and will host an afternoon preconference.  If you don’t know about Tania, well now is your chance. Tania Israel is a Professor of Counseling Psychology at UCSB and award-winning author of Beyond Your Bubble: How to Connect Across the Political Divide, Skills and Strategies for Conversations That Work (APA, 2020). Dr. Israel will speak to the impact of political division and polarization is affecting our campus environs psychologically, socially, and emotionally.  Drawing on psychological science and skills, Dr. Israel will offer ethical, evidence-based approaches for bridging political differences.  Through her Keynote address, Dr. Israel will take us on a journey down the yellow brick road to help us navigate the challenges of living in politically polarized times. This program will employ evidence and insights to help attendees feel informed, empowered, and optimistic.

We are excited to host you this year, we look forward to sharing space with you and Charting our Course together.

Jane LeBlanc and CS Team
Counseling Services Center at SUNY Oswego
150 Mary Walker Building
Oswego, New York 13126
P: 315.312.4416

Updated: May 7, 2024